
Our annual international convention is the most important event of our company, where we recognize and share with the most select group of international leaders and guests


5000 people

"The Forum de Valencia" is an iconic place for events and will be hosting for the second time this magnum show

See venue

Free parking

Cientos de espacios disponibles de forma gratuita para que estacione su vehículo

Exquisite Venezuelan food

Different restaurants and food varieties for your comfort and preference

All organizations

During this event you will have the opportunity to share and meet people from different organizations at an international level

High level conferences

You will learn about the experiences of our main leaders and invited international speakers

Raffles and surprises

Attend and participate in different raffles and activities that will surprise you


Diary Convention Forum de Valencia 2018

Coming soon


Under Construction

Coming soon

Buy your ticket

Acquire your entrance to the V Convention

Click Here

Live again our last convention

Fill your mind with the energy of our last Convention

Watch video